Thursday, April 26, 2012

Arts Festival Vendor Checklist

Whenever I'm getting ready to vend at an outdoor (or indoor) festival, I make sure I've gathered everything before hand.  It's never good to get to the festival and realize you've forgotten change, let alone your business cards!  Here's a handy checklist I've built over the years, of things to bring or do for the show.

1) Business cards (check your stock at least a week before, in case you need to reorder)

2) SQUARE fob, knuckle buster, laptop....however you process credit cards, if you do.

3) $CHANGE$ (its smart to have singles, but also make sure you have change for your price points.  i.e. If your prices are along the $15, $25, $45, make sure you have plenty of $5 bills.

Mailing List signup sheet. A form for custom orders, if you do that.

5) Portfolio of work sold. (I charge up my laptop and dim the screen so I can pull up my website without needing to plug in.)

6) Prices on your work, or price signs for groups of work.

7) One of your items to wear during the show, potentially an example of custom work.

8) Tempting bowl of free candy/mints/nuts (I skip this usually, since it tempts me instead)

9) Postcards for upcoming events

10) Bags/jewelry boxes/twine/ wrap and shopping bags.

11) Something to work on while you sit behind the booth. Doing your craft on the spot draws in customers 
OR examples of your work in process, if you have a unique or little-known medium. I try to bring state proofs and a plate to show how etchings are made.

12) An updated and dynamic display for all of your different items.

13) CALCULATOR (be familiar with your phone's calculator, or get an extra one)

14) Small trash bag for your own trash, or locate the nearest one when you set up)

15) Signage: prices, titles, descriptions, your shop name, etc etc. 

16) Chair for you to sit down when it's slow. 

17) Comfortable shoes. While sitting down is easier on the feet, looking engaged and active engages your potential customer.

18) If indoors, additional lighting may be a good idea.

19) For jewelry: needle-nose pliers, extra chain, rings, etc in case of adjustments.

20) Receipt slips or paper to track sales.

21) Tape, paper, pens, scissors, zip-ties, bull-clips, etc.

22) Your table(s) with clean tablecloths for each one.

23) Mirror for jewelry or clothing.

24) Your tent. Do a test in the backyard or studio to be sure a) you can open it alone if you'll be on your own, b) its not broken. Weights or stakes if it needs to be weighted. 

25) Writing pens for customers to write checks or make notes.

26) Notebook tot rack customers and items purchased, payment type & price.

27) Paper towels/baby wipe/hand sanitizer. Keep it clean!

28) A fully charged phone! Do your best to prolong your battery by dimming the screen, turning off auto-update apps or other battery drainers. Don't want to lose power if you're using Square to process sales!

29) LUNCH.  Feed yourself! I bring a sandwich and non-messy fruit so I don't get stuck just eating delicious cupcakes and other festival food all day. Although it's great to support your fellow vendors if you know what to expect!

30) WATER. Even if you arrive with coffee in hand, you should bring plenty of water, especially for those dehydrating summer festivals.

31) Sunblock/bug spray if you're outdoors.

What do you bring to an arts festival? What did I forget?

This Saturday, I'll have everything above (plus my artwork...) at Crafty Balboa on Passyunk Ave in South Philly!
